Creativity is Not in Your Head: Our Best Creativity and Innovation Articles of 2021

The holiday break is upon us!

It is an ideal time to relax, read and catch up on all things creative that we may have had to overlook throughout the year.

Creativity is not in your head
We offer a new approach to creativity

Here at Emergent Futures Lab we’ve been taking stock of the year and reviewing what we have published on innovation and creativity.

We are really happy to have been able to share an alternative model of creativity:

Worldly Creativity

Comparing Alternative Approaches to Creativity
Comparing Alternative Approaches to Creativity

Sharing this model really began in the fall when we realized that there was a bigger community out there that was also frustrated with the standard approaches to creativity and innovation.

When we shared a chart comparing existing models of creativity and how they are all, to a very large degree, simply variations of the ancient Greeks (who did not believe in creativity.) So many people responded with a similar frustration that we knew we were onto something.

Comparing Innovation Models
Comparing different models of innovation

And that began our journey to offering alternative approaches and processes to creativity:

What is creativity and where does creativity exist?
Ideation vs the Enactive Approach

Creativity across processes and fields
Creativity across processes and fields

This brings us to this moment: a day before the winter solstice and a week before Christmas. It’s time to unplug and kickback.

So, for your holiday reading pleasure we crafted a list of our 15 best articles of 2021, in sequential order, to take you on a journey to a new paradigm of creativity and offer you a new set of tools for your innovative work:

  1. Where Did Your Big Idea Come From?
  2. Thinking Is Not in Your Head
  3. The New Cannot Be Seen or Thought
  4. Creativity at Work
  5. Reality is Creativity
  6. Creativity “And What Else Can It Do?”
  7. Creativity Unmasked: A Story about Breakfast…
  8. Creativity Lives in the Middle
  9. Creativity is Less
  10. Difference Differing
  11. Creativity: Constraints, Fields and Systems
  12. Stop Being So Smart — Creativity Eats Ideation for Breakfast
  13. The Creative Process
  14. Unintentionality is the Story
  15. Accidental Techniques

on What Is Innovation, and How to Innovate

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